We have some exciting news to share with you regarding some illustrious techs Art Handler Ltd who have started a clothing label JUST FOR US art technical nerds!
The majority of art handlers are artists with dedicated studio practices: creators as well as intimate and ultimate consumers of Art. Museum marauders who, after long days and nights installing international art fairs, palatial museum blockbusters, avant commercial immersions, tread heavily to their studios to add more treasure to the cultural trove: Our Community.
Founded by artists and art handlers in London, Art Handler Ltd set out to redesign wardrobe staples. Producing a limited release of pieces expressly concerned with quality, feel and longevity.
Art Handler Ltd. is soon to officially launch its first collection. But before that, they are offering an exclusive 50% discount to all art handlers.
So if you are an art handler working in the UK email: info@arthandlerlondon.com - subject line “art tech space” - for a free item with your order.
Check it out via the link HERE